Executive Board Meetings
Executive Board meetings take place on the third Wednesday of each month in person at 4 p.m. at different locations across the district.
4 p.m.
SAHS media center
Monthly Schedule
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11
January 8
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 14
Building Reps
Afton Lakeland Elementary
Anthony Healy
Mike DeRuyck
Alternative Learning Center
Michelle Ortmeier
Anderson Elementary
Laura Kettler
Jill Kostynick
Brookview Elementary
Stella Sandager
Heather Harris
Jenny Hanlon
Michelle Gregg
Lake Elmo Elementary
Jamie Simpson
Ben Halley
Lily Lake Elementary
Kate Lagus
Erin Wolfe
Oak-Land Middle School
Mary Adamle
Joel Raddatz
Rutherford Elementary
Jamie Jansen
Kelly Taverna
Stillwater Area High School
Brad Benson
Nicole Myers
Don Pults
Alec Shern
Brandon Wolfe
Jill Rusignuolo
Stillwater Middle School
Andrew Jurek
Stonebridge Elementary
Katie Selb
Carla Benning
The Bridge Program
Karla McLaughlin
At-Large Member
Danielle McGill